The type of wallpaper you choose is very important. To determine what type will be best, consider the room it’s going in. Some wallpapers, like vinyl, are best for areas with higher moisture, like the kitchen or bath. The types and textures of wallpaper available are:
Embossed Wallpaper: This type of wallpaper has a raised design surface, some made out of paper and some made out of linoleum. Embossed calls for a special, clay-based paste for application.
Flock Wallpaper: If you’re looking for elegance, this wallpaper gives your room a raised velvet-textured look. This type of wallpaper takes more maintenance than most and should be carefully applied.
Foil Wallpaper: By combining a thin sheet of foil with a paper backing, you can get a metallic look that makes a room sparkle. However, this wallpaper is very delicate, so hanging can be difficult.
Removable Wallpaper: For renters or the indecisive, this peel-and-stick wallpaper is the easiest to apply and comes in many styles.
Vinyl Wallpaper: The most common type available and usually an easier application compared to other wallpapers. Good for areas with higher moisture.
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