Why You Need To Pay Attention To Wallpaper Repeat?
Wallpapering can be a very time consuming and frustrating endeavor, depending on your skill level and the size of the room you are wallpapering. The longer it takes to paper a room, the more careless most people become. The problem is that for the duration of the process, you must pay attention to the wallpaper repeat, otherwise you may make some very obvious mistakes, resulting in having to redo the entire project.
Defining Wallpaper Repeat
The term wallpaper repeat refers to the repetition of the patterns on the wallpaper. There are some types of wallpaper, such as linen or grass-cloth that don’t have any pattern to follow. They are easy to hang and the best type for beginners. Other wallpapers have easy patterns, such as strips, that make it easy to apply them with minimal attention to the pattern.